Monday, August 6, 2018

When I was a Kid

Hi Everyone! I'm Vea Flor Senido, a Grade 10 Student. I'm already 15 years old.

I love singing, I love drawing, I love dancing, I love cooking, I love watching Cartoons and anime. I love eating and I love to discover new things

It is my first time to blog, I'm just a beginner.

This Day, I will tell some of my thoughts and memories when I was a kid.

>When I was a kid, I thought that the moon is following me so I run like TANGA, just to escape the moon
>When I was a kid, I thought that there is a MUMU(multo) under my bed, so I cry every time I heard something's creepy
>When I was a kid, I thought that Disney Characters are true in real life
>When I was a kid,
>When I was a kid, I thought that If someone kissed me, I will get pregant

Being a Kid is fun. Being a Kid is awesome.

Now I'm getting older, experience lot of things. Now that I'm a teenager, I realized that thoughts of mine when I was a kid isn't true, It was just a fantasy.

Everytime I remember my childhood, I can't stop myself to smile and laugh like a stupid. Yeah, I admit, Being a kid is Fun, but those time would never come back.

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