Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Daddy, where are you?

Daddy, daddy, where are you?
I felt so down, don't know what to do
All this time, I've been looking for you
I need you badly, Daddy I miss you

Oh daddy, daddy, where have you been?
Please come back, you're such my everything
You mean the most to me, you gave me strength
You have been there for me, my greatest encouragement

I remember, Everytime you see me cry, you're there to shed my tears
   Listening to all my pain, you're there open ears
Comforting me by your side, saying you'll never be gone
Always there behind, making my life so fun

But suddenly, I saw you in my dream one night
You came back, and hugged me so tight
But morning comes, you're fading slowly
Your touch was gone, I woke up teary

Daddy, daddy, when will you come back?
I miss you so much, in sadness I've been stuck
There is no light without you by my side
Co'z for me, You're the best in all the kind

You may out on my sight
but never out in my heart

I miss you so much

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